Manufacturer of the highest quality steel products

Manufacturer of the highest quality steel products

Dodane: 2019-11-27 :: Kategoria: Produkcja / Inne Usługi

The specialty of the Polish company Perfopol is the creation of specialized steel components for industrial purposes. There is a high demand in the industry for elements such as lohr type sheets, which is why we have ensured that our industrial plant has sufficient capacity. Our customers can count, among others, on products such as, for example, perforated steel sheets and comfortable working platforms that prevent the employee from falling. Perfopol also produces all kinds of profiles as well as sieves and grilles. Our lohr type sheets are made of stainless steel, which is also not subject to the destructive effects of strong acids. Both meshes and sheets made of this material are suitable for exposure to changing weather conditions. Of course, our company"s offer could not lack special services, which consist of cutting and perforating sheet metal on a special order. Perfopol can also create steel pipe constructions for its customers.

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